Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Supernatural Offering

When we talk about an offering, money is inclusive but not the main object. We can offer ourselves sacrificially in many ways. Living a life pleasing to the Lord, giving God our time, living an
exemplary life of Christ (Zoe i.e. the God kind of life).
To live in the supernatural in other words to receive a unique blessing from the Lord you need to give the Lord a unique offering through your unique services. Examples of these unique services.

i.             Commitment:  Raise your commitment level beyond your dreams especially during this time of fasting and prayer. Then maintain it throughout the year.

ii.           Focusing:  Be attentive to the teaching by the vision bearer with the intention of putting it into practice to enable you walk in the supernatural.
iii.         Prayer 24/7: Join the church in our intersection throughout the month of July. This will bring you closer to the Lord giving you experiential knowledge that will enable you to walk in the supernatural.
iv.          Bible Study: This is an opportunity for you to study with the saints during our Sunday Bible Study. Getting a deeper insight into why God is and will be the only God. Effective Bible Study starts when you make time at home daily to study the Bible. Your unique sacrifice in studying God’s word will pay off in the supernatural.
v.           Giving: Your time, money, energy, strength. Givers sow a seed which becomes a forest, harvest in due course. Seed time and harvest time was how God made it and it was so. Many will testify of the truth of this scripture. Why don’t you practice it and join those who do the same.

Prayer Points:
1.   We pray that we will not be hears of the word only but doers of the word. Not to deceive ourselves.
2.   Pray for the grace to be able to give the best offering
3.   Lord any offering I give in which ever form and whichever way. Let it be unique and surpass all other offerings I have ever given.
4.    Praying that we do not give strange offerings before the Lord.
5.   We demand from within ourselves a sacrifice of praise which will be second to none in this year of our Lord 2014 at Christ Home.

2 Timothy 2:15, 2 Cor. 8, Romans 2:13, James 1:22,
2 Samuel 24:22-25, 2 Chronicles 7:4-5,7,11-14, Exodus 36:2-6,
 Ecc. 11:1-6, 1 Chronicles 29:3-4, Luke 21:1-4, Acts 16

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