Commitment to Christ's Church

What is commitment?
Commitment in general terms means dedicating ones full efforts and resources to a particular course.
Commitment to something means regarding the thing as very important and attending to it every time no matter the cost.
For example, many of us are committed to some general things such as dressing, eating, sleeping and wearing shoes .All these are things we do irrespective of our feelings or emotions without any pressure from any source. No one needs to be called several times on the phone or chased around by anyone before he/ she attends to these commitments. Sometimes we are so committed to these things that we feel awkward when we do not fulfil these obligations.

Showing Commitment to God
God also requires us to commit ourselves to His work and His church. A typical example of commitment to church and the work of God in the New Testament is that of Paul and his son Timothy (I Thessalonians 3:2Hebrews 13:23Romans 16:21).

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