Tuesday 2 September 2014


Your life is a book containing many chapters. From beginning to end, each chapter plays a role in making you who you are. We have closed chapters that need to be opened, opened chapters with hidden blessings and also chapters which should be maintained.

·         Which chapters have you closed?
·         Which chapters are you opening?
·         Which chapters are you maintaining?

Closed Chapters: -
In this scripture Zechariah had closed the chapter of ever having a child with his wife Elizabeth.  He was a priest of God but had given up with regard to having a child and even doubted the angel that brought him good news about having a child.

Be encouraged because God is capable of opening every
closed chapter of your life. Dry ground will once again flow with streams of water.

Discuss how believers easily close chapters in their life due to unbelief

Open Chapters: -
The Virgin Mary had opened a major door in her life when she decided to marry Joseph. The open door was marriage, but inside this door was the major blessing, becoming the mother of Jesus Christ.

It is important that we do not despise the doors the Lord opens in our lives because with each open door there is a hidden blessing

Discuss how we can identify the hidden blessings in the open chapters (door) of our lives

Maintain Chapters: -    
Joseph had an open door which he was about to shut. After a visit from an angel he realized it was important for him to maintain this open door because it was God’s will.

There are chapters in our lives that need to be maintained. Allow the Holy Spirit to help you identify and maintain these chapters.

Discuss other ways we can maintain chapters in our lives that should be maintained.

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