Wednesday 16 July 2014

The Supernatural

Hebrews. 11: 1 – 34, Leviticus 26:3-13, Exodus 23:20-30, Colossians 1:15-23, Colossians 4:17, 1 Timothy 2:14-26

Faith in the Supernatural

It is human to use our five senses to predict what is about to happen. That is called walking in the flesh. That is opposed to walking in the spirit better still walking in the supernatural.
2 Kings 3:17 For this is what the Lord says; You will see neither wind nor rain, yet this valley will be filled with water,
and you, your cattle and your other animals will drink. To see and enjoy the supernatural you have to crucify the flesh so that it no more influences your daily lifestyle. You shall not see the wind, you shall not see the rain, you may not be employed, the promotion may be delaying, your health may be failing, your marriage in a mess, your tomorrow uncertain but with your spiritual eyes you will see a lifting up.
Elisha had to caution the Kings should they want to walk in the supernatural then they had to change how they walk in the physical.

Prayer Points: -
1.   Lord increase our faith so that our physical circumstances will not dictate our pace.

2.   We pray against any physical limitations that brings evidence of our past failures which sway us off the supernatural path directly or indirectly.
3.   May God establish us in the midst of brethren who will sharpen our faith to be able to walk in the supernatural.
4.    We pray that we shall develop the eye of the Lord to see beyond the natural.
5.   We are pulling down all strongholds that binds our minds from having the mind of Christ from receiving the supernatural.
6.   We are praying against the spirit of disobedience that is stopping us from walking in the direction given by the man of God to fast, pray and believing in the supernatural.

John 21:15-23, John 9, 2 Kings 2:9,

Romans. 12:2, Philippians 2:5, 2 Kings 3: 14 – 24
lets intercede

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