Wednesday 16 July 2014

Expecting the Supernatural

Many are called into the faith, they give their all, read the Bible, attend services including revivals, sow their seed, give offerings yet lack one major thing “ Expectation”, an expectant heart, anticipation.
Without this you cannot create a fertile atmosphere to receive the supernatural.
Sometimes Jesus had to sack all from the room before ministering so that he can create that atmosphere. The disciples also learnt to create this atmosphere. With a united front during this time of prayer and fasting at Christ Home we are creating this atmosphere, we are praying for your miracle, your release, your elevation and your healing. Join us, let’s enter into the throne room of God through prayer.

Prayer points: -
1.   Lord give us the right attitude to create the atmosphere for a miracle. Let us never give up no matter what others say.
We pray for the inner tenacity, forcefulness, determination to the very end till we see the supernatural flow in our lives and our loved ones lives.
2.   We nullify any negative confession that has come out of our mouth or is about to. We plant in its place a positive attitude, positive confessions and a crave for the miraculous.
3.   Casting down imaginations, every negative plantation that the devil plants in our minds bringing them to captivity to the obedience of Christ. We soak our minds in the blood. By faith we can hear the blood of Jesus speak better things to us.
Photographic images of our past shall not dictate our life in the supernatural.
4.   We cast out the spirit of “Martha” that spirit of distraction keeping ourselves busy about everything and having no time for prayer and the study of the word. We uproot we throw down that voice that puts fear into us so that we end up spending all our time working, leaving no time for prayer. It is an evil spirit and we shall not let it dominate our lives.
5.   Pray for the sensitivity of the spirit to know what we should expect from God instead of from man.

Acts. 9:32-42, Mark 10:46, Mark 7:26, Math 8:8-10,
2 Cor. 10:3-5, Ephesians 6:10-18, Psalm127:1-2,

Math. 6:33, Acts 3:3-7, 2 Kings 7:12

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