Monday 21 July 2014

Commitment to Christ's Church

What is commitment?
Commitment in general terms means dedicating ones full efforts and resources to a particular course.
Commitment to something means regarding the thing as very important and attending to it every time no matter the cost.
For example, many of us are committed to some general things such as dressing, eating, sleeping and wearing shoes .All these are things we do irrespective of our feelings or emotions without any pressure from any source. No one needs to be called several times on the phone or chased around by anyone before he/ she attends to these commitments. Sometimes we are so committed to these things that we feel awkward when we do not fulfil these obligations.

Showing Commitment to God
God also requires us to commit ourselves to His work and His church. A typical example of commitment to church and the work of God in the New Testament is that of Paul and his son Timothy (I Thessalonians 3:2, Hebrews 13:23, Romans 16:21).

The Need for Commitment To Christ

In our previous study we discovered that commitment is not anything that requires any new skill or special abilities, in actual fact we were all born with an ability to get committed. Everyone has this potential and can develop it to a higher level. When we become born again, Christ puts into our spirits the ministerial offices and the nine major spiritual gifts.
Every child of God can function in any of these ministry offices and operate these gifts. The new birth opens the door for these spiritual weapons to be formed in our spirit. The spiritual weapons needs to be DISCOVERED, DEVELOPED AND USED (D.D.U). One can only successfully D.D.U when there is a commitment to Christ’s Church.
Commitment is inborn; it comes naturally in various areas of our lives, in the same way the ministry offices and spiritual gifts are deposited in anyone who becomes born again. Spiritual gifts are special abilities given freely by God to every born again .Just like natural gifts, believers do not need to work for the gifts. God gives the gifts and He chooses who to give what to. The ministry offices and spiritual gifts require commitment to Discover, Develop and Use.

How can one D.D.U his / her spirituals weapons?

The Believer’s Armour

We discovered that the authority we have is vested in our spiritual armour and we must learn to use them if we are going to be able to stand against Satan and his wiles.

The purpose of putting on Gods armour is to be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. Without Gods armour believers will be defeated by the strategies of their adversary.

1. Belt of Truth: Ephesians 6:14b
Paul begins his teachings on the spiritual armour with the Belt of truth; this is very important because the belt was the central part of the armour that held all the armour together. Without the belt the whole armour would go loose. Jesus is the truth, and He has revealed himself through the word of God, in essence the truth is the word of God. Without Jesus and a strong word base it is impossible to hold all the armour together. Having the belt of truth in place in

The Weapons Of Our Warfare…

For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalted itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled
Ephesians 6: 1-12
Our last lesson on commitment focused on discovering, developing and using (D.D.U) our gifts in church. We also discovered what it means to be committed in Christ’s Church and the things you can do in Christ Home to show your commitment and hence aid you in discovering, developing and using your gifts.
In this lesson we are going to discuss the relationship

Wednesday 16 July 2014

The Supernatural

Hebrews. 11: 1 – 34, Leviticus 26:3-13, Exodus 23:20-30, Colossians 1:15-23, Colossians 4:17, 1 Timothy 2:14-26

Faith in the Supernatural

It is human to use our five senses to predict what is about to happen. That is called walking in the flesh. That is opposed to walking in the spirit better still walking in the supernatural.
2 Kings 3:17 For this is what the Lord says; You will see neither wind nor rain, yet this valley will be filled with water,

Expecting the Supernatural

Many are called into the faith, they give their all, read the Bible, attend services including revivals, sow their seed, give offerings yet lack one major thing “ Expectation”, an expectant heart, anticipation.

Tuesday 15 July 2014

Supernatural Finances

Who deceived who saying poverty brings joy to our God. Did you enjoy your week and month when financially you were down and had no resources or contacts to help you? I believe not.
Deut. 8: 17-18 (lays everything bare).

Supernatural Health

Above all else our health is very paramount. Weakness and disease in our bodies can be a limitation to our quest for a unique experience with our God. For the faint hearted any infirmity attacking them may distant them from focusing on the blessings from above.

Supernatural Offering

When we talk about an offering, money is inclusive but not the main object. We can offer ourselves sacrificially in many ways. Living a life pleasing to the Lord, giving God our time, living an